Group 5 Andes

The Cibodas Botanical Garden is a vast area of nature. The place preserves thousands of plant species. This place is the site for our excursion on February 11th, 2016. The area of Cibodas has rain often, making it a perfect weather for growing plants and flowers. There aren’t much jobs in the area other than tourism and agriculture. As a result, mostly any toilet around the area is not free. There aren’t international restaurants or Starbucks, most likely since the area does not accept globalization, and as a result there aren’t much jobs around, so they mostly rely on selling merchandise, souvenirs, accessories, and food to tourists. We departed from school at 5:50 am, and the traffic made a long trip.

As soon as we got in the park, we got a short briefing on the activities and schedule we had to follow, as well as a quick guide of the map. 

Before long, we had to start hiking to reach the cafe inside the park, just in time for lunch. Our walk there was long and tiring, but as soon as we reach the cafe, our patience was rewarded with lunch and a fantastic view. From the cafe we could see the nearby lake with a fountain on its center, the clouds on the sky, and of course, trees. The area is really wide, and for us not to get lost, we had to conduct our activities just near the cafe.

The gang having lunch. Justin is trying to show how to make a stick-man with his fingers.
The Interview

After having a nice lunch at the cafe, we started conducting the interview regarding achievement. We would like to know how the people around the community sees achievement.

The first person we interviewed was Bu Suriah, who acts as a landlady of street sellers. According to her, her job may not seem much but she is happy to be able to support her family. Her definition of achievement was "anything that's great and positive to you."

Her next goal was to be able to go to Mekah (naik haji) along with her family.

The next person was a street seller. His definition of achievement is "something that makes you proud." He does not think that he has achieved a lot in life, in fact he has a lot of regrets and mistakes he has made. His next goal would be to continue "with the flow" and be able to provide his family support, especially money for education.

The last person we interviewed is just a patrolman who helps collect the litter around the area. His definition of achievement is surviving with not much money, striving onwards with perseverance. 

His next goal would be to make sure his sons and daughters get a better job than he has right now, and to have a happier life than he has right now.


In conclusion the trip was fun and mostly educational but too bad we could not see most of the views due to the weather and the time limitation but at least we get to see what’s it's like outside of our urban lifestyle. We get to spend 5 to 6 hours in the area, which was just enough for our activity. We got to see true nature and have a day off from the stress at school.

The people around the park (other than the tourists) are not those who are very successful, and we learnt that people have different perspective of what achievement is, and not all of us have the same type of goals they want. They do not really know much about achievement, but mostly their achievement was to get a better life and try to make a better life for their families and future generations. This trip helped us to understand other people perspective of achievement.

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