Group 2 ALPINE

The Cibodas Botanical Gardens is an 84.99 hectares area with subtropical plants from West Java and places around the world. It has 4852 preserved species of plants, including a Sakura garden. The gardens are visited often with students from middle school to university. At 2015, their number of visitors increase drastically. The gardens are owned by Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia.

(Cibodas, J. (2016). Kebun Raya Cibodas - Retrieved 21 February 2016, from

The first person that we interviewed is a lady who works in the national park. When we asked the question about achievement, she looks a bit confused. However, she still answers some of the questions. For her, the definition of achievement is achieving something that can make other people happy. Instead of fame and wealth, she said that achievement can be measured with honesty. She said that her goals do not change as time pass by. She always wants to be housewife and a successful person

We interviewed a 'Pempek' seller. He's a young entrepreneur and I think his interview result is pretty good. His last answer is emotional for us.

"Masalahnya kalo saya pengen ke perguruan tinggi jadi pilot, kedengerannya kayak mimpi."

This is the coolest picture we took, featuring Agnes and Edna.
"Will you marry me?" "no."

We also saw a guy sort of proposed to a girl and we screamed very hard. It will be the best achievement ever if the girl accepts his proposal.
Victory's Next Top Model

During the excursion, we interviewed some people at the national park.  We asked them questions about achievement. After we interview them, we got some different answer.
From the result, we realize that achievement is different for every person. It’s different from one culture to other culture. All people we interviewed has different occupation and condition. Because of that, they have a different definition of achievement, and they see success from different way/perspective. Apparently, all of them answer that their biggest achievement is a good individual achievement, which is being successful. From what we learned, a good individual achievement will lead to a good national achievement, which can lead to a good global achievement. So, based on that theory, we can say that they have a chance to achieve a global achievement.

Credits: Valentina Lugo Arias
What an adventure.

*This group is a combination of group 2 and 5, due to the absence of 1 member from group 2 and 2 member from group 5. We decided to work together under the permission of Bu Esa and Mr. Young.

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