Group 4 Everest

This is the horseman, named Pak Ipin. Farrel was recording, Kyana was asking the question while Sherly was writing the answers, and I'm as the documentary taking photos.

Alexandros Thomas riding Pak Ipin's horse, the price is affordable and it is a good experience
for visitors.

This is the view from the upper side of the hill,  it was so green and refreshing.

After we interviewed the horseman and the beverages sellers, they said they haven’t accomplished their own achievement but they actually has a lot of achievement. for Pak Rahman the beverages sellers, achievement is something that we pursue using effort and it is something that we aimed for. while for Pak Ipin the horseman, achievement is be yourself. 

even though they haven’t achieve any of their goals they said that they still have a lot of other time. Pak Rahman’s achievement is to have a lot of knowledge about the nature and it must be very useful for others and the environment.  

in conclusion Botanic Park is one of an example of achievement. they have a large area and spaces, also they have different kinds of plants that attracts visitors wether it’s for educational process like what we did or only visiting. 

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