Group 1 Alpine

O U R   E X P E R I E N C E S 
Before this picture was taken Shafira was rushing to do her Lips. "Oiii sabar tante"

   For this unit, we had a field trip in Cibodas. It was a quite interesting experience. I learn a lot of things. Like the different response and understanding the definition of what achievement and how to define when an action is able to be labeled as achievement. The short trip had me feel relax and happy. It was a great and clam
  The guy we interviewed had a great response. Achievement is not always materialistic, how you feel about yourself and your actions. How proud of yourself. The local's there is very optimistic, positive, and friendly. There's not a lot of people we can interview, so everyone has the same interviewee but they are still willing to answer with full of passion. We felt bad but, it's a great time! New friends!


  Last week we went to Cibodas. It was quite fun being there and interviewing people. There, we interviewed people who works there and we learned that one of their achievement is for working there for 10 years or more, and that their biggest achievement is being able to feed their family from their earnings. The people we interviewed was polite and friendly. I learned lot's of stuff about achievements, experiences. I enjoyed spending my time with my classmates, my friends, and teacher.

Taken from a weird angle
  So for the excursion, we went to Cibodas. The place specifically that we went to is actually their national park. I learnt that the people there were very hardworking, and friendly. Some of them has been working there more than 10 years, also they live their lives from the earning that they get from what they sold. One of the man that we interviewed has a family, and he got his earnings from working in a small canteen somewhere in the corners of the park. The canteen wasn't that full, we came there and it was empty. What they serve wasn't that special, fried rice, fried noodle, simple things. 

Our local tour guide!
  We went to Cibodas for excursion specifically to the national park. we got a task to interview people working at the national park about achievement. While interviewing people I realise that people there was friendly, nice and also humble. they have spent a long period of time being someone who's hard working and diligent and most of the ones we interviewed haves a happy family.
Pak Rahmat? More like the greatest street vendor!
The interview
An entrepreneur and a working father, we had the honour to interview him despite the repetition of interviewed he did. We are so thankful that he would take time to answer questions. His name is Bapak Rahmat. He works as a business owner of a street vendor in Cibodas.  This humble man believes that achievement is not materialistic, which for us was very surprising yet inspirational to hear. His definition of achievement is ‘it is a name for a verbal reward after you do an action with great strength and works out in the end’. Though it is not the ordinary he believes fully that his job is a great achievement for him. He is able to learn by the people around, make friends, and also providing his family. He even rate his job as an achievement an 8!
He is proud to say that Indonesia has made some great achievement, also it makes him even more proud that he is participating on striving Indonesia’s achievement. He mentioned that National park, Historical building, and Tourist attraction is something that we all have to be proud of that we are able to keep it nice and clean. He is proud to say that Indonesia has made some great achievement, also it makes him even more proud that he is participating on striving Indonesia’s achievement. He mentioned that National park, Historical building, and Tourist attraction is something that we all have to be proud of that we are able to keep it nice and clean.

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