Group 3 Andes

//By : Heidi, Gaby, Edna and Agnes//

- ⋅ - ⋅ -//Summary//- ⋅ - ⋅ -

On the 11th February of 2016, we went to Cibodas Botanical Graden, a beautiful and calming place. We went there to interview the workers there about what achievement is. We were supervised by 5 teachers, which including our Humanities teacher, Mr. Young. We spent around 5-6 hours to go to the excursion place. When we arrived there, we ate in the canteen. Then, we interviewed some Cibodas Botanical Garden workers. We interviewed a total of 7 workers.
We went back at 2 PM and spent another 5-6 hours to go back from the botanical garden to school. Anyway, it was a really interesting trip, despite the fact that we spent a total of 10-12 hours in the bus. We think that it is an interesting trip because we can see that not everyone has the same definition and criteria of personal achievements. However, we wish that we can stay longer and maybe go to the greenhouse and to the waterfall.

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- ⋅ - ⋅ - //Gallery//- ⋅ - ⋅ -




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- ⋅ - ⋅ -//Interview//- ⋅ - ⋅ -

Q1: What is achievement?
Q2: What achievements have you accomplished?
Q3: Who inspired you to achieve something?
Q4: What do you want to achieve in the future?
Q5:  In your opinion, is this botanical garden (Cibodas Botanical Garden) an example of an achievement? Why?

Kevin is a 20 year old guy who works in Cibodas Botanical Garden to take care of the horses. When we asked him about what achievement is, he answered that achievement is your goals. He told us that he hadn’t accomplished anything. He also said that no one inspired him to achieve something, because he feels like it’s his responsibility to achieve his goals. His goal is to have a proper job. When we asked about whether he agrees that the botanical garden is an achievement, he agreed because he said that the garden is beautiful and there are lots of guests and tourists.

Pak Rahman is a snack seller in Cibodas Botanical Garden, his definition of achievement is goals that we reach for in our life that’s according to our dreams. He answered that he hadn’t reach any of his goals and that the one who have inspired him to try to reach it is his family. One of his goals is he wants to have some more general knowledge. Lastly, he said that the Botanical Garden has really good quality and a good amount of customers for his work.

Romli is a 17 year old guy who works in Cibodas Botanical Garden that takes care of the horses there. When we asked him about what achievement is, he doesn't know. He told us that his occupation is one of his achievement. He also said that the one that inspires him is his family, but he doesn’t have any goals that he wants to achieve.

We wanted to compare our interview results by interviewing a lady, which we think is “more fortunate” than the workers that we interviewed. Her name is Siti. She is a 23 year old office worker that went to Cibodas Botanical Garden with her boyfriend. In her opinion, achievement is our deeds. When asked about what she has accomplished, she confidently said that she got proper education and that she has a proper job. Her parents and her friends’ successfulness motivated and inspired her to achieve something. Her goal is to be successful and nicer. When asked about whether the garden is an example of achievement, she agreed and said that this garden has “a kind of view” that is rare in Indonesia.

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- ⋅ - ⋅ -//What did we learn?//- ⋅ - ⋅ -

We learned that the definition of achievement is different for everyone. As seen from our interview results, some people don’t consider their smallest achievements as their achievement. Some people don’t even know the definition of achievement. This is probably why Mr. Young teaches us about what achievements are. If we don’t even know what achievements are, how are we supposed to achieve our goals when we don’t even have one?

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